Development of in vitro cell culture model for evaluation of phagocytic and immune activity of intestinal cells
- Resposible Sónia Gomes (PI CIIMAR)
InsectERA - The ERA of the insect industry
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (CIIMAR)
PEP4Fish: Blue bioeconomy Innovation Pact
PEP4Fish : Blue bioeconomy Innovation Pact
- Resposible INOVAMAR, S.A. (líder consórcio); SEBOL (Promotor)
- Resposible INOVAMAR, S.A. (líder consórcio); SONAE MC (Promotor)
Eco-innovative technologies for improved nutrition, sustainable production and marketing of agroecological food products in Africa
- Resposible António Marques
ATLANTIDA - Platform for the monitoring of the North Atlantic Ocean and tools for the sustainable exploitation of the marine resources.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI RL3; PI ICBAS)
- Funding Entity CCDRN (NORTE2020)
- Reference: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000040
- Funding Total: 2.940.871,63 €; ICBAS: 558.819,26 €
- Duration 01/10/2020-30/09/2023
Increasing and improving sustainable aquaculture practices in the Atlantic Area.
- Resposible Rodrigo Ozório (PI CIIMAR)
- Funding Entity Interreg, through the European Regional Development Fund - UE
- Reference: EAPA_1059 / 2018 - ACCESS2SEA
- Funding 1.867.105,92 €
- Duration 01/03/2019 to 28/02/2022
Intestinal cell line of European seabass and Atlantic salmon - Applications and needs
- Resposible Sónia Gomes (PI CIIMAR)
- Funding Entity EEA Grants Portugal
- Reference: FBR_OC1_124
- Funding 15.881,26 €
- Duration 02/01/2022-31/06/2023
InFishMix – Combining insects for a novel circular strategy towards fish growth and robustness
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (ICBAS-UP)
- Funding Entity Direção-Geral de Política do Mar (DGPM)
- Reference: MOD.PN.DOC.065.EN.V01
- Funding 901 128 € (ICBAS:174 893 €)
- Duration 01/06/2022 – 30/04/2024
Fortification of farmed fish with long chain Omega-3 fatty acids.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI ICBAS-UP)
- Funding Entity ANI (SI I&DT – Portugal 2020/Compete2020; Projetos em Copromoção)
- Reference: R&D Project in Copromotion (AAC nº 17/SI/2019), ACUINOVA - actividades Piscicolas, S.A. (Promoter) in collaboration with AlgaPlus and B2E Association for Blue Bioeconomy - Collaborative Laboratory
- Funding Total: 988.338,34 €; ICBAS: 222.413,04 €
- Duration 01/01/2021-30/06/2023
Development of collagen peptides from fish using an integrated system to obtain high valued fractions for human consumption, aquaculture and cosmetics.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI ICBAS-UP)
- Funding Entity ANI (SI I&DT – Portugal 2020/Compete2020; Projetos em Copromoção)
- Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-049636
- Funding 801.251.91 €; ICBAS: 102.779.27 €.
- Duration 01/01/2021-30/06/2023
Secondary bio-production of low trophic organisms utilizing side streams from the Blue and Green sectors to produce novel feed ingredients for European aquaculture.
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI CIIMAR)
- Reference: BLUEBIO/0005/2019
- Funding Total: 1.870.700 €; CIIMAR: 100.000 €
- Duration 01/06/2020-31/05/2023
Method for obtaining proteins or a rich-Protein extract from algae, extracts and uses therefore
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI)
- Funding Entity ANI (SI I&DT – Portugal 2020/Compete2020; AAC 04/SAICT/2017)
- Reference: SAICT-45-2017-04
- Funding Total CIIMAR: 49.729 €
- Duration 01/06/2019-31/05/2022
Market valorisation of sea urchin gonads through dietary modulation.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI)
- Funding Entity DGPM (Fundo Azul)
- Reference: FA_05_2017_015
- Funding Total: 179.243,17 €; ICBAS: 90.231,00 €; CIIMAR: 29.056,08 €
- Duration 06/09/2019-05/09/2021
Improve competitiveness of aquaculture systems through energy efficiency.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI ICBAS)
- Funding Entity EU (POCTEP; EP - INTERREG V A Espanha, Portugal)
- Reference: 0569-ACUAENERGY-1E
- Funding Total 738.254,98; ICBAS: 29.299,99 €
- Duration 13/06/2019-12/06/2021
Mobilizing scientific and technological knowledge in response to the challenges of the agri-food market.
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI CIIMAR; PI PPS2)
- Funding Entity ANI (PORTUGAL2020/COMPETE2020/Lisb@2020; Programas Mobilizadores)
- Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024524/SI-47-2016-10
- Funding 7.291.383; CIIMAR: 131.359 €
- Duration 01/12/2017-31/05/2021
Validated, commercially viable, and eco-innovative solutions that will improve seafood quality and safety.
- Resposible Maria Leonor Nunes (PI CIIMAR)
- Funding Entity Horizonte2020
- Reference: Project Nº 773400
- Funding Total: 7.000,00 €; CIIMAR: 299.877,50 €
- Duration 01/11/2017-30/04/2021
Integral valorization of marine resources: potential, technological innovation and new applications.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI PPS2)
- Funding Entity ANI (Portugal 2020/ COMPETE2020/Lisb@2020/CRESCAlgarve2020; Programas Mobilizadores)
- Reference: Project Nº 24517
- Funding Total: 8.503.598,37 €; CIIMAR: 691.765,53 €; CIIMAR(PPS2): 194.230€
- Duration 01/06/2017-31/07/2021
Improving bio-utilisation of marine algae as sustainable feed ingredients to increase efficiency and quality of aquaculture production.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente (PI)
- Funding Entity EU (FP7 ERA-NET COFASP)
- Reference: ERA-NET COFASP/0004/2015
- Funding Total: 1.274.000 €; CIIMAR: 199.325 €
- Duration 12/12/2016-30/11/2020
New range of practical feeds for European seabass using animal ingredients
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity Portugal 2020/FEDER/COMPETE 2020
- Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017610
- Funding None
- Duration 2016-2019
Innovation and valorization of seafood products: meeting local challenges and opportunities
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity NORTE2020/ERDF
- Reference: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000035
- Funding None
- Duration 2016-2018
Sustainable diets and with low environmental impact for Senegalese sole.
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity Portugal 2020/Norte 2020, in consorcium with A. Coelho & Castro LDA.
- Reference: Project AdI Nº 005362
- Funding Total: 599700,74 €
- Duration 2014-2015
Sustainable aquaculture and animal welfare
- Resposible Paulo Rema (Task 7), Luísa MP Valente (Task 8) and Rodrigo O. A. Ozório (Task 9)
- Funding Entity QREN/Program SIGON.2
- Reference: NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000038
- Funding None
- Duration 2014-2015
Integrated valorisation of agro-food sub-products for application to human and animal feeds.
- Resposible Luísa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity QREN/ERDP/COMPETE 2020
- Reference: Project Nº 38861
- Funding Total: 984.334,6 €; ICBAS: 86.952,83 €
- Duration 2014-2015
Seaweeds from sustainable aquaculture as feedstock for biodegradable bioplastics
- Resposible Rodrigo O. A. Ozório
- Funding Entity Seventh Framework Programme (FP7); BSG-SME
- Reference: Project Nº 315725
- Funding Total: 1.929.269,00 €; CIIMAR: 150.000 €
- Duration 2013-2015
Selection and evaluation of macroalgae as additives in gilthead seabream diets.
- Resposible Rodrigo O. A. Ozório
- Funding Entity PROMAR - Axis III
- Reference: Pilot Project: 31-03-05-FEP-0041
- Funding Total: 250,000,00 €, CIIMAR: 78,000 €
- Duration 2013-2015
Epigenetic regulation of development and growth in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity ERDP, Axis I of POFC of QREN: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-015382
- Reference: PTDC/MAR/110547/2009
- Funding 176.173,00 €, FEDER: 62.773,20 €
- Duration 2011-2014
Sustainable extensive and semi-intensive coastal aquaculture in Southern Europe
- Resposible Maria Teresa Dinis
- Funding Entity European Union (EU)
- Reference: EU Project: FP6-2005-SSP5A
- Funding Total: 2.391.401€; CIIMAR: 49970 €; CIMAR-LA: 312486 €
- Duration 2007-2009
Feed formulation for blackspot seabream and Senegalese sole
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity AdI/Program PRIME, in consorcium with SORGAL, S.A.
- Reference: Project IDEIA 70/00073
- Funding Total: 380343,48 €; CIMAR: 312379,45 €
- Duration 2005-2008
Increasing the conjugated linoleic acid content in cultivated fish by dietary means: a potential benefit for human health
Linoleic acid in cultivated fish and benefit for human health
- Resposible Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente
- Funding Entity POCTI/CVT/39237/2001
- Reference: None
- Funding None
- Duration 2003-2005